Student Instructions
Google🌏 Maps
Let's explore the Google Maps App and discover more about where we live and the country we live in.
Go the 🔗,3.36334265,-12253.22212457a,26140899.1171217d,35y,-0h,0t,0r/data=OgMKATA
Once you have found the page , have an exploration👆 of the Google 🌏Maps site.
#1- Find your School💒
Enter your School's name into the Google Maps seach bar. Take a screenshot from above. Add a placemark on your school ( you can use a custom colour so it stands out on your maps) and save as project( don't forget to name it correctly). Then click on the 🧍♂️ icon and take a screenshot
from the street view. Save this as a project also(don't forget to name these locations).
#2- My Local Area.🏘🏢🏥🏭🏭
Let's explore your local area. Go to the layers option and click on the EVERYTHING option. See if you can find examples of these facilities in your local area. Add a placemark and name these as you find them on your Google Maps projects.
* shopping centre
* post office
*police station
*sporting club
* restaurant/take away
*hospital/ health service
* public park/space
*nature reserve
Take a screenshot
and add
this to activity #2 page. Then use the
to identify the facilities you found in your local area.