Student Instructions
Try these two activities to help students (and teachers) visualise what a meter distance looks like in the classroom and school.
Materials: Measuring tapes (1 per 2 or 3 students), yarn, scissors
Activity 1
1. Each team finds 1 meter on a tape measure.
2. Measure and readjust our desks and staton stools so they are 1 meter apart.
Observe: Take s
When you are sitting at your desk, can you touch the person in front of you? Beside you?
When you are sitting at the stations, can you touch the people across from you?
How softly/loudly do you need to speak in the stations to be heard by your teammates, but not the rest of the class?
Activity 2
Divide class into 3 or 4 groups.
Students then...
1. Pick a yarn color.
2. Measure out 1.15 meter and cut. (1 meter, 15 centimeters)
3. Tie one end of your yarn to a teammate who has a different color than you. Your team should have 1 long string when finished.
4. Measure the space between the knots. Are they 1 meter apart? Adjust as needed.
5. Groups tie yarn together to form one long string with 1 meter color changes between knots for the whole class.
We will go outside and stand in a line holding the knots in the yarn. (Take
Observation Tour:
How many tiles on the ground between you and the person in front? Behind?
How many stairs should the person in front of you be?
Where should we stand in line for food?
Where should we sit in the cafeteria?