Student Instructions
Tell us all about your summer holiday. What exciting things did you do during your school break?
Think of all the different places you visited during the holidays. Where did you go? Find images of these (E.g. the zoo and the beach) and
them into your photo frame on page 1. Use the
to tell me where you went.
What did you see at these places? Perhaps you saw a tiger, snake and a giraffe at the zoo? Find images of these animals and add them to your frame on page 2. Did you see a jellyfish and some shells at the beach? Add these too. Use the
to tell me what you saw.
Who did you see on your holidays? Did you see anyone in the classroom? Add their photo
or use the
button to type their names into the last frame. Use the
to tell me who you saw.
when you’re done.
Happy Seesawing!