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Ceairra Cast

Writing -Video-Model-Write: When it is sunny _____.

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Writing, English Language Arts, Science

Student Instructions

1. Click the link link and watch the video clips in order 2. Have an adult start your writing on a piece of paper with the sentence starter: "When it is sunny ________________________________." 3. Fill in the blank for your writing. (I attached the WWW chart to help you with our sight words since we aren't in school to use the one on our wall.) 4. In seesaw Seesaw, click the add Add Response icon 5. Click photo photo then click upload upload to upload a picture of your work 6. Click the check check mark when you are done (If you do not have paper, you can use the Seesaw Notebook to write your sentences.)
