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Ms. Peppers

Beginning sounds sort (2)

Grades: Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Alliteration happens when words begin with the same sound. Saying words slowly and stretching them out can help us hear beginning sounds. Remember, alliteration is all about the sounds we hear - we don't need to think about the letters in words when we work on beginning sounds. In this activity, you're going to practice listening for beginning sounds. Tap add . On pages 1, 2, and 3, sort the pictures at the bottom of your screen by beginning sound. I started your groups in the grey boxes. Say each word out loud and listen for the beginning sound. Use move to sort. When you're finished sorting on each page, say the names of the pictures in each group to check your work. Each group should start with the same sound. On page 4, I have a challenge for you. Look at how I drew a picture that starts with the same sound as my word. Look at the picture in the other box and try to think of something that starts with the same sound. Use the pen to draw a picture of your idea, then use the mic to tell me your idea. When you're finished with all of the pages, tap the check .

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Introduce/review vocabulary before assigning activity Initial sounds: C (hard) FH - I (short) NR- VZ
