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Teachers, save “Make a minibeast hotel” to assign it to your class.

Loraine Ledwell

Make a minibeast hotel

Grades: PK-TK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Subjects: Science, Home Learning

Student Instructions

🦗click on the EXAMPLE (view original or link in caption) to find some fun link 🦋Do you have an old plant pot in the garden, or an old mug you no longer use? 🦟What about a small box or some toilet or kitchen rolls? 🐛Hunt around your garden for crackly dry leaves, twigs, hollow stems, dead grass or pine cones. 🐞These are the perfect materials to help create warm, dry spaces that will attract different creepy crawlies. 🐌Place a pot or mug on its side (so it doesn’t fill with rain), leave it in a sheltered corner of the garden a 🐛Follow the instructions on the video or on the student template. 🦗Don't forget to share a photo, a video of your own bug hotel or mic and tell us how you did it.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Credit to to Amanda Bembridge for giving me the idea and framework.
