Student Instructions
Today you will be working with body percussion sounds - Click on the links to move to the different pages Watch the to learn about the activities in the clickable board PAGE 1: Home page - Click on the links🔗on the boxes to go to the different activities PAGE 2: WARM UP- This a game of 'Clap the rhythms back' - Follow the PAGE 3: MAKE YOUR OWN PATTERNS - In this activity you have to drag the icons into the boxes to make your own body percussion patterns. - Roll the body percussion dice 🎲 (Press play ▶ to start and pause ⏸ to stop). - Place the item appearing in the dice in the first box. - Repeat these steps until all of the boxes are filled with a body percussion item. Congratulations!! You have created your own body percussion pattern now you have to learn it and perform it. - When you are ready click and record your body percussion pattern. Click to stop the recording. Click when you have completed the work. WHY? - Rhythm skills are an essential part of the music learning journey. Interpreting patterns and counting hare closely related to numeracy and literacy and it helps improves memory and boosts self-esteem. Body percussion and movement encourages physical activity and coordination.
This activity has been created for young musicians to develop their rhythm skills. It helps them keep a sense of beat/pulse and it encourages compositional skills. More body percussion icons/images can be added to increase difficulty. Students can also be asked to place two of the same items in some of the boxes to start getting a sense of one beat and half beats. Adapt according to your students needs. It can be used as a starter activity in a longer lesson or as a standalone short activity.