Student Instructions
Fluent reading means you read accurately, at a good pace with good expression. It also means you understand what you read! Being a fluent reader takes practice!!! Have fun recording yourself reading a page from your book. 1. 🗣 Practice reading your page. 👍 Remember, read smoothly, with expression from punctuation mark to punctuation mark. 2. Tap the add button. 3. Use the camera to take a picture (or take a screenshot) of the page you practiced reading fluently. 4. Tap the microphone to record yourself reading fluently. Start by saying, "today I am reading from (book name)" then read your page. 5. Use the drawing tool to circle any words or sentences that were challenging. 6. Tap the green check to add to your journal. Family Why: Research shows that families can help their children learn to be fluent readers. Model how to read fluently by reading aloud together, listening to audio stories and trying some of the reading strategies your teacher send home like "echo"
1. This activity allows students to practice, record and reflect on their reading fluency. 2. Doing a weekly fluency check allows students to see, hear and celebrate their fluency progress throughout the year. 3. This is also a great activity to have students share with their families and practice at home. Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.2.4.B Family Why: Research shows that families can help their children learn to be fluent readers. Model how to read fluently by reading aloud together, listening to audio stories and trying some of the reading strategies your teacher send home like "echo" reading (link to be added).