Student Instructions
Fractions can seem scary, but really they are just showing how many parts there are of a whole, it's that simple! Have a go at this fun fraction taster session, exploring fractions and finding fractions in real life! 1. Watch the on page 1 and 2, introducing fractions and have a go at moving along with a catchy fraction tune! 2. Go through the example pages and recap previous learning of fractions. 3. Check out the example page for the 'Fractions in real life' activity. Then, select to begin the activity. 4. Take a or find images online and of any fractions you see in real life! Check out the example and create your own fractions, You can get as creative as you like. For those feeling confident, explain your pictures to demonstrate your understanding, share anything you already know, or remember, about fractions! 5. Next, click the and have a go at the fraction games! Once you are happy with your work, select to upload to your class journal.