Student Instructions
1. Tap to open the template. 2. Use the and tools to make the fall favorites on each page in the activity. 3. On the last page in the activity template, use the tool to record a video explaining what you learned by doing this activity. In your video, answer the following questions: -What did you learn by doing this activity? -What did you like most about this activity? -What was challening about this activity? 4. Tap the to upload your completed drawings. Try to make your drawings look like the drawings in the example. You may add your own creative ideas to each page. Remember to do your vey best WOW work!
This activity is designed to give students expereince with adding and manipulating shapes. They will be given the opportunity to practice resizing, grouping, locking, formatting and layering shapes to create a fall themed drawing. They will also be given the opportunity to use the drawing tools to create a variety of fall themed shapes.