Student Instructions
↖️ 1. Tap to watch the video about the moon. (Toca
para mirar el video sobre la luna.)
2. Tap
3. Think about facts you learned about the moon during the video. Pretend that you are the moon!
to record your voice and tell all about yourself, the moon.What facts would you like people to know about you?
(Piensa en lo que aprendiste de la luna durante el video. Imagina que tú eres la luna! Toca
para grabarte diciendo todo sobre ti misma, la luna. Cual información te gustaría que la gente sabe de ti?
4. Record AT LEAST 2 facts about the moon. (Graba POR LO MENOS 2 cosas sobre la luna).
5. Tap
to turn it in. (Toca
para entregarla).