Student Instructions
Find your sight words in the hidden picture! 1. Tap to start the activity. 2. Move the Magnifying Glass 🔍: Use the magnifying glass 🔍 to explore the underwater scene. Look 👀carefully to find the hidden sight words. 2. Drag Sight Words to the Blue Box: When you spot a sight word, click on it and drag it into the blue box on the side. 3. Check Your Work: After finding all 10 sight words, click the "Check Work" button. -Green Check: Great job! You’ve found all the sight words! -Red X: Oops! There are still more words to find. Keep looking! 4. Record Your List🎤: After finding all 8 sight words, click the microphone icon 🎤 and record yourself reading your list of sight words. 5. Click DONE to stop recording. 6. Click the check to add it to your journal.
List of Tricky words: the, when, who, why, said, was, are, have, from, all