Student Instructions
Please share your understanding of the connection between division and fractions. 1. Choose a fraction. 2. Create a division number sentence with your fraction as the quotient 3. Create a number story to go with your number sentence. 4. Share your number story and explain how your division problem relates to your fraction quotient. IMPORTANT: Please be neat, accurate, and creative to draw us in and help us understand your thinking. P.S. Feel free to take a look at my example!
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Note- Although I think students enjoy the personal touch of their own teacher's example, you are welcome to use my example. We are in Hawai`i where "Uncle" is a respectful term for male adults, and so my students know my husband as "Uncle Stbon." This activity was assigned after students had lessons on modeling number stories, noticing the connection between fractions and division, and practiced making these kinds of fraction number stories. This activity is meant as a formative assessment and to share this concept with their families. Mahalo!