Student Instructions
Reading at home is incredibly important. Try these strategies with your family to have fun reading together at home. 1. Create a daily reading routine. 2. Try some of these strategies to keep things interesting: - If you are just starting to read, show a family member how you use your pointer finger while reading. - Choral Read: Read the same text at the same time with a family member. - Echo Read: Your family member reads a sentence or paragraph and then you read the same one copying their expression and pace. -My Turn Your Turn Reading: Take turns reading sentences, paragraphs or chapters. 3. Tap the add button. 4. Tap the camera and take a picture of you using one of the strategies. 5. Tap the mic and share which reading strategy you tried or make an audio of you doing the strategy with your family. 6. Tap the green check to add to your journal. Why: Reading together and talking about books builds a love of reading and vocabulary.
Research shows that giving families specific strategies to support their child's reading journey improves reading outcomes. Encourage families to try different strategies based on their child's skill level. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10