Student Instructions
Propaganda is a form of communication to distribute information. It is always biased. The information is designed to make people feel a certain way or to believe a certain thing. The information is often political. It is hard to tell whether the information is true or false. Very often, the information is confusing and unfair. Propaganda does tend to make disputes last longer, and be more difficult to resolve. The word 'propaganda' comes from Latin. At first, it meant 'ideas to be spread around'. But in the First World War, it came to mean 'political ideas that are supposed to be misleading'.
Propaganda is like advertising in some ways. For example, it uses the mass media to spread its ideas. But advertising is usually trying to sell something, whereas propaganda is about ideas. It is often political, and used by states or political parties, not private companies.
Go to and research the Coronavirus. Read and review several news articles and identify propaganda.
Decide what is fact and what is opinion. Distinguish between credible sources as well as primary and secondary.
Click to type your review. Include 3 facts and one opinion. Also list your 2 primary and 1 secondary source. Identify and comment on any propaganda or hidden agendas.
IL 5.1 Analyze the difference between primary and secondary sources
IL 5.2 Utilize primary and secondary sources to provide new knowledge or understanding in a particular area
IL 5.3 Define and identify use of propaganda techniques to clarify ideas, judge information, solve problems, and
evaluate reliability of information
IL 5.4 Assess the validity, reliability, and relevance of the information collected
IL MS.4 Demonstrate an understanding of hidden agendas by critical analysis and evaluation of information
TS 5.5 Assess and analyze local, national, and world issues and
defend opinions with supporting evidence
TS MS.7 Recognize and assess hidden agendas
to submit.