Student Instructions
What will happen if you paint on different surfaces? Will it look the same as if you paint on paper?
Let's explore what it looks like when we paint on Tinfoil
You will use YELLOW, RED, BLUE paints in your exploration
Instructions: (tempera paint works well)
- Put a small blob of YELLOW paint in a container
- Put a small blob of RED paint in container
- Put a small blob of BLUE paint in container
- Put some water in a container
- Grab a paintbrush and paper
- Now, explore the colours to see what happens when you paint on TINFOIL
- Use your hands if you'd like to explore what happens!
- Tap
- Share a
or a
of your painting.
- Be a COMMUNICATOR and say what happened when you painted on TINFOIL. What did you notice? How does it feel to use your hands to paint on TINFOIL?
Learning Intentions:
To explore colours
To explore painting on different surfaces
To develop an enjoyment and appreciation for art