Student Instructions
What happens when you read a historic poem and find out later it was basically a lie?
We have just finished reading the poem, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere." After watching the video Mr. Daley has attached you will find that much of the famous ride of Paul Revere is inaccurate.
Please use the Courageous Compass attached below. Find yourself on the compass and circle or indicate where you are using the tool after hearing the poem was basically a lie.
Then record yourself using the
tool OR use the
tool to type your response explaining your spot on the compass.
I am in my believing corner because I believe ___________________.
I am in my thinking quadrant and I am wondering/thinking about ________________.
I am in my feeling quadrant and the emotion I am experiencing is _____________ because________________.
I am in my acting quadrant because I feel that I need to do _________________.