Student Instructions
Using iMovie! Using iMovie! Watch the video tutorial on how to use the iMovie App. This app is a great way to edit your videos or create movies and trailers. Here are the instructions: 1- Watch the video links. Firstly there is a few short Little📚 Lunch episodes - 🔗 🔗 🔗 On page 4 is a Introduction to iMovie - 🔗 2- Browse the iMovie app. 3- Think of a video that you could create. You might like to use the movie script on page 1-2 to plan your iMovie. 4 - When you have an idea go and create your iMovie. Don't forget to review your shots as you go. Before you upload⏫ to Seesaw make sure you edit your final cut. 6 - Tap the check when you are finished!