Student Instructions
Tap add to begin this activity.
Tap the label tool.
Create three labels, each with a separate clue.
Drag and resize them to fit in the grey boxes of the label area.
Select the drawing tool.
Use the digital ink to create one picture that represents you.
Select the label tool.
Double tap on the red A (you may need to tap Edit).
Delete it and choose a new emoji that represents you.
Double tap on the red B (you may need to tap Edit).
Delete it and choose another new emoji that represents you.
Post your work.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Create a student called “Mystery Student.” All students will post this Activity as the Mystery Student to remain anonymous. Once students post their Peer Inferencing clues, approve them when you want to proceed with the next part. Enable student comments (with teacher approval). This is something that can be turned on and off as needed. You want it on for this part. Students scroll through the feed and comment on each Peer Inferencing artifact with their guess. Do not approve these comments as they come in as it may give away the answers. Once the commenting time has wrapped, approve the comments. Consider guiding dialogue around submissions that were easily identified and those that were more challenging. Why was that? What might we change if we did it again? How were you able to figure these out? After the activity is complete, consider tapping the three dots and changing the name of each artifact to the source student so that it appears in their journal.