Student Instructions
Let's get our hands dirty by sorting some rocks for real.
1) Sort your bag of rocks into three groups: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
** Reread the Rock Category Clues sheet below to help you sort!
3) The white paper with a picture of each rock type is your sorting category header. Then line up each group of rocks under the correct column. Space the rocks out in 3 nice vertical lines. After you post a picture of your sort to Seesaw, you'll need room to add a label next to each rock.
4) Double check your rocks. When you're sure you've sorted them correctly, take a photo of your sort.
5) Post it to this Seesaw Activity.
6) Use the caption "Rock Sort".
7) Then go back and edit your photo.
8) Add labels to explain how you know each rock belongs in the category you put it in (Use bulleted notes or phrases; you DON'T need whole sentences).