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Sara Malchow (@smalchow)

Find Someone Who... (with voice prompts)

Grades: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, Kindergarten
Subjects: Character Building, English Language Arts, Reading

Student Instructions

1. Tap the add button 2. Touch the voice button to hear the descriptions on the board. 3. Walk around the room and find someone who fits each description. 4. Tap the photo, take their picture, and add it to the appropriate box. 5. Tap label to add a label with their name. 6. When you're done, use the mic to add an interesting fact about yourself. 7. Tap the check to add to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This beginning of the year Activity has been updated to reflect the 2021 Seesaw update for adding audio Use this Activity as a beginning of the year ice breaker activity. Students will get to know each other by finding classmates that fit specific criteria. They will then take a picture of that person and add it to the corresponding space on the grid along with a name label. Students can press the 🔊speaker button to hear the prompts. 🙂
