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Ms. Peppers

Attributes of shapes

Grades: 1st Grade, Kindergarten, PK-TK
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Shapes have attributes like sides, corners, or angles. We can use these attributes to describe, sort, and make shapes. In this activity, you're going to work with shapes by thinking about their attributes. Tap add . On page 1, tap the link to practice finding and counting the sides and corners of some shapes. Sides and corners are attributes of shapes. On page 2, use move to sort the pictures by how many sides they have. Your groups are 0, 3, and 4 sides. On page 3, check out how I showed the corners and sides of a rectangle by using the red and blue pen . Use the pen to show me the corners and sides of the other shapes. Make sure to use the correct colors! When you're finished, tap the check .
