Student Instructions
Usa tu imaginación para escribir este libro sobre El diente flojo de Bonk. ¿Qué crees que está sucediendo en cada página según lo que ves en las ilustraciones?
1. Haz clic en para agregar tu respuesta.
2. Escribe tu historia usando
3. NO olvides utilizar
para grabarte leyendo lo que escribiste.
4. Oprime la palomita verde: check: para entregar tu trabajo.
¡Diviértete usando tu imaginación!
Use your imagination to write this book about Bonk's loose tooth. What do you think is happening on each page based on what you see on the illustrations?
1. Click
to add your response.
2. Write your story using
3. Don't forget to use the
to record yourself reading what you wrote.
4. Click on the green checkmark
to turn in your work.
Have fun using your imagination!
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
Wordless picture books are told entirely through their illustrations — they are books without words, or sometimes just a few words. Sharing wordless books with a child provides an opportunity for literacy-rich conversations. Each "reader" listens and speaks, and creates their own story in their own words. Sharing wordless books also reinforces the idea that, in many books, the story and the pictures are connected. Elementary-aged students often enjoy writing down their original story to accompany a wordless book.