Student Instructions
Design A Poster
Marie Curie is a registered charitable organisation in the United Kingdom which provides care and support to people with terminal illnesses and their families.
It was established in 1948, the same year as the National Health Service .
It provides care and support for cancer patients and carries out valuable research for 'End of Life Care'.
Read the Information on Marie Curie's Charity by clicking to view.
Design a Poster that will help others to understand the ethos of the Marie Curie Charity.
o Their Role in supporting Cancer Patients
o Hospices
o Research for End of Life Care
o Their Fund Raising – The Great Daffodil Appeal
o Their Support Work: counselling; therapies
o Charity Shops
o Volunteers
More information can be found on the following website:
Marie Curie in Northern Ireland
When you have completed your Poster click
to upload it to your journal.