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Mr James

Safer Internet Day 2022 - #PlayYourPart

Grades: 4th Grade, 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Digital Citizenship

Student Instructions

seesaw Hello Everyone! seesaw TUESDAY 8th FEBRUARY 2022 - SAFER INTERNET DAY: 'All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’ Resourced by the UK Safer Internet Centre, here is a wonderful activity for you to show your support to make the internet that we use a much better place. In line with the theme, decorate the template using labels label pen pen and shapes shapes with any of the following: • Things you can say to support someone online. • Words or questions you can use in an online game to ensure everyone is included. • Illustrations of what a better, more inclusive and respectful internet could look like. • Pledges of what you will do to help create a more respectful internet, such as, “I will be respectful when talking to others online in games” or “I will support my friends if something upsets them.” You could even change the background too background If you would rather print it and take a photo photo to then upload, do that! You could take a picture of yourself to put in the box, or draw yourself, but remember this post may be shared online to spread the word about using the internet for the good - if you don't want a picture sharing, don't post one! like Enjoy, and let's make the internet we love great! like ** Usernames should be made up, not actual usernames you use on games **
