Student Instructions
In the 21st Century, passwords are an important part of everyday life and it is important that we have secure passwords so that other people cannot access our information.
Learning Intention:
We are learning about password security.
Success Criteria:
I can create my own secure password.
Tap and watch the video on passwords.
Answer the following questions:
1. Think of an animal = Gorilla
2. Think of an item at the supermarket = A can of soft drink
3. Think of a colour = Blue
4. Think of a sport = Tennis
5. Think of a mathematical operation = Addition
Write down the first two letters of your animal in capital letters = GO
Write down the price of your item from the supermarket = $2.50
Write down the last two letters of your colour in lower case = ue
Write down the number of letters in your sport = 6
Write down the symbol of your mathematical operation = +
Password = GO$2.50ue6+
Click on the link below and type in your newly created password.
How long would it take a computer to 'crack' your password?
and post a picture of your password strength.
REMEMBER: Never share your password online and only ever share your password with your parents.