Student Instructions
Today, we're exploring gratitude.
1. Think of at least 5 people you are grateful for (think of at least 2 people here at school)
2. Choose at least 1 person from your list to write them a letter expressing your gratitude for them. Use paper from the classroom. It can be a letter on lined paper or you can make a card. Tell them what you are grateful for, why they are special to you, be specific!
3. When you're finished, you and a buddy can go deliver the card to that person at school. (Tell your teacher where you are going)
4. Take a photo of you with that person while delivering it and add the photo to your post.
5. Do the final reflection.
6. Click
to turn it in.
Optional: If there is still time or if you want to do it at home, you can explore the links on the last page for more thoughts on gratitude.