Student Instructions
1. Gather mismatched socks into a pile 2. Sort the socks in a way that will help you make matches. 3. Tap the button. 4. Tap the button and take a photo of your sorted piles of socks. 5. Tap the button and explain how you sorted your socks. 6. Have fun finding pairs of matching socks! 7. (Optional) Tap the button to write (or tally)how many pairs of socks you found. Note: you may need to tap the back arrow to get back to the drawing tools 8. Tap the to add your work to your journal.
This is a way to get students involved in household chores in a FUN way! Students will have the opportunity to use their sorting skills to sort socks in a way that makes sense to them (maybe by colour, size, family member). They will also learn to make matches from their sorted piles. Optional extension: students are invited to tally or write down how many pairs of socks they were able to match.