Student Instructions
Let’s take a look at a car and learn what some of the different parts are called. Ask an adult to go outside with you and have a look at the different parts you can see on your car. Here are some parts to look for- boot, bonnet, mirror, door, petrol cap, headlight, indicator light, brake light, engine, battery. 1. Tap the button. 2. Can you draw your own car? I’d love to see it! Use your imagination, but if you need some guidance, use the step-by-step drawing at the bottom of the page. 3. What else did you discover on your car. Tap the and tell me! 4. Tap the to add it to your journal. WALT: developing vocabulary, learning about technology
⭐️This is a good activity to use when learning about Land Transport. Can be used for home learning or as a homework activity.