Student Instructions
LI: I am learning to develop my multiplication skills.
SC: I can use my knowledge of multiplication facts to solve problems involving multiplication
I can explore and explain the commutative properties of multiplication
“It doesn't matter what order you multiply two numbers in because the answer is always the same.”
Is this true?
How do you know?
Commutative includes the word "commute" which means to MOVE AROUND.
Commutative property means to move around the factors and continue to have the same multiple (product).
4 x. 8= 32 same as 8 x 4 = 32
So we are basically moving around the numbers (factors) and continue to obtain the same multiple (product).
Is this always true?
Your task is to investigate the following statement to find out if it is true or not and to explain your conclusions. You may like to do this as a video showing your thinking or a screen recording of you modelling your conclusions.