Student Instructions
The Butterfly embraces change as it transforms into something great in the story 'Big Change, Better You, Beautiful World'. Imagine yourself as the Butterfly! What will your transformation look like? 1. Tap Add Response. 2. Use the drawing tools to transform your Butterfly. 3. Tap the speaker to explain how your Butterfly transformed. 4. Tap the green check to add to your Journal. OR 1. Tap Add Response. 2. Use materials around the room to create or draw your Butterfly. 3. Use the photo tool to take a picture of your Butterfly. 4. Tap the speaker to explain how your Butterfly transformed. 5. Tap the green check to add to your Journal.
Overview: Assign this activity as a follow-up to Seesaw's We Love to Read Challenge virtual author event with author Lindsey Frank. Ms. Frank read her book, 'Big Change, Better You, Beautiful World' and students learned tools to embrace change from a wise change expert, the Butterfly! In this activity, students will imagine themselves as the Butterfly and use creative tools to show their transformation. They will draw a picture of their Butterfly and explain their transformation. How to Use This Activity: Differentiate by having students draw a picture of their Butterfly on paper, and then use the photo tool in Seesaw to capture their drawing. Materials: None *Paper, markers, crayons if students are drawing themselves off Seesaw. Standards: ISTE 1.6 Activity created by author Lindsey Frank.