Student Instructions
• Sketch and label your design ideas on a piece of paper.
• Think about what materials you could use.
(Suggested Materials: cardboard rolls, dried rice or beans, plastic bottles
cups, paper clips, coins, rubber bands, small boxes, spoons, tape, scissors)
• Label your sketch with the materials that you will need.
• Build your instrument.
• Test your design.
- Does it make the sound you were trying for?
- Make improvements if needed.
- Create a variety of instruments if you can.
• Play your instrument to a song you already know. OR Compose a new song?
• Create a new dance to go with the song.
In this ACTIVITY...
• Click
• Upload a
of your new instrument
• Record
answers to the following questions
- Which materials made the best sounds?
- What improvements did you need to make?
Use your instrument to create a music video!