Student Instructions
We will be practising how to draw quattro (four) animali australiani (Australian animals) in preparation for our arte Aborigena (Aboriginal art) scenes on FOAM SHEETS.
1. Clicca on each video of the:
*canguro (kangaroo)
*kookaburra (kookaburra)
*ornitorinco (platypus)
*koala (koala)
2. Follow the istruzioni (instructions) to help you disegnare (draw) each animale in your libro d'arte (art book).
3. You can pause the video clips as many times as needed.
4. Copy uno (one) of the animali onto a foam sheet and a simple background using an etching stick.
5. When your disegno is done, use un penello (a paintbrush) and la pittura (paint) to evenly cover the imprint.
6. Place la carta (paper) on top of the painted foam sheet and press firmly with the roller all over la carta.
7. Carefully peel off la carta and you should have the imprint of the animale.
8. Fill in the animale outline on la carta with puntini (dots) using un applicatore di cottone (cotton bud).
**There are some examples of artwork on Page 5 after the video clips**
9. When you are finito, clicca for this activity and take un foto
of your arte.
10. Clicca the
to upload your arte to your journal.