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Teachers, save “List Poems” to assign it to your class.

Nichole Poss

List Poems

Grades: 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade, 1st Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Home Learning, Writing

Student Instructions

1. Read about list poems on Epic! in your poetry collection. 2. Tap the link to learn more about writing your own list poems. 3. add 4. Read pages 1 and 2 of the activity to see some ideas on how to get started with writing your own list poems. 5. Read the list poem examples written by other students on pages 3 and 4. Notice how the first example is exactly like a list with only 1 or 2 words on each line, but how they all describe or make you think of fall! Notice how the second example turns their list words into phrases or sentences, but they still all describe or make you think of fall but with more details and adjectives! 6. Try writing your own list poem called "I Am" on page 5. Complete each "I" sentence using the label tool about yourself. 7. Use the mic to record yourself reading your "I Am" list poem. 8. Try taking words or sounds from your listening walk and putting them in the "List" column using the label tool on page 6. 9. Now add adjectives for each of your list sounds using the label tool on page 6. *Example: List word = horns honking; adjective = loudly -- Horns honking loudly. List words = birds chirping; adjective = blue -- Blue birds chirping. 10. Use your ideas from page 6 to help you write your "My Listening Walk" list poem using the label tool. 11. Use the mic to record yourself reading you "My Listening Walk" list poem! *Example: On my listening walk I heard horns honking loudly. 12. Check your work. 13. check 14. Add to your Communication AND Writing folders.
