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Mrs Critchley

Year 1 Technologies Design Template Workbook

Grades: 1st Grade
Subjects: Computer Science, STEAM

Student Instructions

Students upload photos of design process and add verbal descriptions to demonstrate understanding with multimodal opportunities for assessment. Final Page is teacher assessment where teacher can circle with pens student achievement and add verbal feedback. Each page has opportunity for student to self assess and reflect by drawing in smiley face to show how they felt about their effort and understanding Front cover can be filled in by teacher before sharing with topic specific info. Students can upload during first lesson and then tap edit in future lessons to access workbook and add new content. Teacher can also take observation photos of students during investigating, creating and implementing and either airdrop to students so they can add or add yourself to the student workbook. I would love any feedback or see completed projects teachers use this for- katiecritchley9@gmail.com
